Member Tips

Discounted Ships

Hi CMDR's if anyone is looking for a discount on ships you can find 15% off at any Li Yong-rui systems! One of the best places to go for this is DIAGAUNDRI ( 127.32LY from SOL). Starport is RAY GATEWAY. This is where I got my Conda, hope this helps CMDR's happy hunting.

Modified Embedded Firmware

If you are looking for Modified Embedded Firmware you can go to a base on ARRO NA SYSTEM and head to Johnsons Labrotory. only 3 beacons to scan and all outside of the no enter zone

Targeting Chaffing Enemies

When enemies are chaffing untarget the enemy and gimballed weapons will act as fixed. You will be able to target the enemy by flight.

FAS and Jumping

If you are having an issue crashing into stars from being tired or distracted. Try this. In normal space line up your target system get up to speed. Go flight assist off and then do your jump to the first system. this will cause you to power down your speed as soon as the load page ends. No more crashing into the stars.

Color Switcher